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Error: "V097: ACN/ABN does not match with company name"

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 27283

In Corporate Compliance you may receive the error "V097: ACN/ABN does not match the company name" on the Validation report after lodging a form with ASIC.

This error occurs when the Corporation name in the form does not match ASIC's records exactly.

For example, if ASIC have a corporation listed as "ABC Propriety Limited" but the corporation name in Corporate Compliance is "ABC Pty Ltd", the form will return a V097 error when lodged. This error is resolved by changing the corporation name in Corporate Compliance to "ABC Propriety Limited".

To resolve this issue, compare the corporation's name in Corporate Compliance to the corporation's name in ASIC. The name in Corporate Compliance must match ASIC's records exaclty (including punctuation).

To amend Corporation details

Are you completing a Form 484 or RA71?

  • If the rejected form is a Form 484, to update the corporation name in the form you'll need to re-complete the form in the ASIC forms area.
  • If the rejected form is an RA71, you'll need to delete and recreate this form.
  1. From within Corporation Compliance, click Corporations on the task panel.
  2. Within the Corporations list, select the corporation and click Open corporation details on the task panel. The details of the corporation appear.
  3. On the task panel, click Change details. The Main details tab of a window with the title of the corporation's name appears.
  4. Type the full name of the corporation (as per ASIC's records) in the Corporation name field, then click OK.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.