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Error: "You are trying to access a database which is not a historical database"

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
Article ID: 23303

This error may occur when running a Database Setup or selecting historical databases through historical compliance.

The procedure below needs to be performed each time you want to access a historical database that's different to the previously-accessed historical database.

Please read through the instructions below prior to undertaking the process. As it is technical, MYOB recommends that your IT specialist follow the procedure.
To access a different historical database to the previously-accessed historical database
  1. Ensure that you have a backup of your data.

  2. Ensure all users have exited AE Tax.


    Steps 3 and 4 do not apply to Terminal Server sites. For Terminal Server users, navigate to and open the ceedata.ini file in the path C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\WINDOWS and then go to step 5.
  3. At the Windows Desktop, click Start and select Run. The Run window appears.

  4. Type ceedata.ini in the Open field and click OK. The ceedata.ini - Notepad window appears.

  5. Note the details in the PROGRAM_DIR line. For example, S:\MYOB\bin.

  6. Leave the ceedata.ini - Notepad window open.

  7. Right-click the Start button and select Explore. Windows Explorer starts.
  8. Navigate to the bin folder noted at step 5, for example, S:\MYOB\bin, and double-click the module.ini file. The module.ini - Notepad window appears. Each database, including historical, is represented by [DB_#] where # represents the number of the database. For example, [DB_1]. For a historical database, the name under [DB_#] will be Historical Database.
  9. Scroll down to the relevant historical database that you are getting the error for.
  10. Note the Detail of your module.ini for each Line below. The table content in the Detail column below is for example purposes only.





    # represents the database number. If # is 1 then 1 is the detail for this line




    S:\data\Historical Database\




  11. Re-access the ceedata.ini - Notepad window.
  12. Change each line in the ceedata.ini file using the Detail you noted in your Module.ini file at step 10. The table content in the Detail column below is for example purposes only. This matches the Detail noted at step 10. Substitute your details to appear in the Change line to be column.



    Change line to be





    S:\data\Historical Database\

    HistoricalPath= S:\data\Historical Database\




  13. From the File menu select Save. The ceedata.ini file is saved.
  14. From the File menu select Exit.
  15. Re-access the module.ini file and from the File menu select Exit.



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