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Error: "Your request to modify the access rights to one or more AccountRight Live files for <ClientName> was unsuccessful "

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 38512

In MYOB Practice Manager, you may receive the error "Your request to modify the access rights to one or more AccountRight Live files for <ClientName> was unsuccessful" when attempting to make an employee inactive. As a result, the employee cannot be made inactive.

If you see this error, contact MYOB Support and quote KB 38512.

MYOB is investigating this issue.


To remove cloud file access in SQL
The following steps are to be performed by the backlog team only.
  1. On the server where AE/AO is installed, open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the relevant database.
  2. From the Object Explorer, expand the Databases folder, then expand the AODB1/AEDB1 (VPMSER) database folder.
  3. Expand the Tables folder and locate the table dbo.Employee.
  4. Right-click on the dbo.Employee table and select Edit Top 200 Rows.
  5. Locate the user to be marked inactive and note their EmployeeId.
  6. From the Object Explorer, right-click on the table dbo.AF_CloudFileAccess and select Edit Top 200 Rows.
  7. Delete all entries for the affected EmployeeId from the dbo.AF_CloudFileAccess table.
  8. Close SQL Server Management Studio.

You can now mark the employee as inactive within AE/AO.

Insert PR #140831075081





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