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Exporting and Importing a Trial Balance

This support note applies to:

  • AE MAS (AU)
  • AE MAS (NZ)
Article ID: 36693

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Management Accounting System (MAS) you may need to export a Trial Balance for import into either another MAS ledger or into the same MAS ledger in the case of a negative Trial Balance.

To export the balances print a Trial Balance using the relevant layout to a txt file, then import via Utilities > Import > Trial Balance

If you use the File > Export option to produce the text file, you will experience the error "Incorrect format" when importing this file.

To Export a Trial Balance
  1. Open the MAS ledger and from the Reports menu, select Trial Balance. The Trial Balance window opens.

  2. Select the Year and Period to export and click OK. The Record Selection window opens.

    If you wish to produce a negative trial balance, select TB-IVE at the Layout field.

  3. Select the required options and click OK. The Print window opens.

  4. Select the Print to file option. The Where field becomes active.

  5. Type or select a relevant location and file name then click Print. The Trial Balance is produced as a .txt file.

    This file must be saved as a .txt file before converting to a .CSV or Excel file.

    To convert the file to .CSV:

    1. Open the exported file in Microsoft Excel. The Text Import Wizard - Step 1 of 3 appears.

    2. Select Fixed width and type the number 8 in the Start import at row field. Click Next. The Text Import Wizard - Step 2 of 3 appears.

    3. In the Data preview section, select where the line break for each column should be. For example:

    4. Click Finish. The file opens in Excel.

    5. Save the file in a .CSV format.
To Import a Trial Balance
  1. Follow the menu path. Utilities > Import > Trial balance. The File Import screen appears.

  2. Type or navigate and select the relevant file and click Open. The Import Trial Balance screen appears.

  3. Select the relevant options as follows and click OK. The transactions are processed and the Print window opens.



    Enter suspense account

    999 if you use a standard MYOB chart;
    Your own suspense account code.

    Period for transactions to be posted

    Type the end date of the period which the transactions are to post to.

    Increment reference

    Y to increment.
    N not to increment.

    From reference

    Type in the reference number to be allocated to the first journal produced for the trial balance.

  4. Click Preview or Print. The Import Trial Balance report is generated.
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