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Exporting and Importing transactions from one MAS ledger to another

This support note applies to:

  • AE MAS (NZ)
  • AE MAS (AU)
Article ID: 27262

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise MAS (AE MAS) you can export transactions from one ledger and import transactions into another ledger.

You can export and import transactions between MAS ledgers when:

  • A ledger has an incorrect date structure due to corruption;
  • A year end procedure has been performed by accident and no backup exists;
  • You need to change a profit and loss range; or
  • Data is received from another MAS installation.

To copy transactions from one ledger to another, you need to:

To export transactions from MAS
  1. Open the MAS ledger from which you wish to export the transactions. The MAS client detail screen appears.
  2. From the Reports menu, select List Entries. The List Entries screen appears.
  3. In the Select Type section, select the types of transactions to export. In the Dates section enter the date range of the transactions to export. Then from the File menu, select Export. The File Export screen appears.
  4. Browse to the location to save the exported transactions. Type entries.txt in the File Name field, and click Save. The transactions are exported to that location. The screen message "Export completed" appears.

    MYOB recommends you create this file on a removable disk. Browse to the relevant drive to create the file on the removable drive.
  5. Click OK.The export is completed.
  6. Close the MAS ledger.
To import transactions into MAS
  1. Open the MAS ledger into which the transactions are to be imported. The MAS client detail screen appears.
  2. Follow the menu path: Utilities > Import > MAS Transactions. The File Import screen appears.
  3. Browse to the location where the entries were exported to in step 4 above. Select the .txt File saved in Step 4 above and click Open. The Import Management Accounting Entries screen appears.
  4. Select the required checkboxes for the following options:



    Reject entries outside current period?

    Select to exclude transactions dated outside the current ledger"s financial year;

    or if not selected, all transactions are imported.

    Re-date entries to current period end date?

    Select to re-date any entries found outside the current period end date to be dated within the current period;

    Or if not selected transactions are imported to the period relevant to the date on the transaction.

    Suspense account

    969 if you use a standard master chart;

    or enter the suspense account code relevant to your chart.

  5. Click OK. The import of transactions commences. Once complete, the Print screen appears.
  6. Select Preview to run this report to your screen or select Print to run this report to your printer. The report appears at the selected destination.
  7. Click Close. The MAS ledger appears.
To check the imported transactions

Print a copy of the Trial Balance report and check the values are the same.

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