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Exporting tax returns using Contacts or Client Compliance

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
Article ID: 33766

MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Tax allows you to export Tax returns for use on other installations of AE Tax, for example a laptop.

The following information is only of relevance if you use Contacts or Client Compliance  to access AE Tax.

You can export a client's tax return from Contacts/Client Compliance using the Tax Data Transfer option from the Tools menu.

To export a tax return
  1. Open MYOB AE and open the relevant client's record. The client details display.
  2. Click Client compliance under the Applications menu in the Tasks panel. The Client Compliance window opens.

    If you use Contacts, follow the menu path: Start > Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Contacts.
  3. Follow the menu path:Tools > Tax Data Transfer > Export AE Tax Data... The Export AE Tax Data window opens.
  4. Click the drop-down arrow on the Select year field and the relevant year. The year is selected.
  5. Review the value in the Select file path field and change as required, then click OK. The Export Returns window opens with the Export Return Details, Export Tax Tracking History and Batch options selected.

    If you want to change the default save location, click Browse, navigate to the location where you want to save the export file and click OK. The selected location displays in the Select file path field.
  6. Leave the options as selected and click OK. The Export batch window opens with the tax return highlighted.
  7. Click Select or double-click the return to select it. A tick displays next to the return.

    For multiple return exports, repeat step 7 until all the returns that you want to export are selected.
  8. Click OK. The Export Returns window opens.
  9. Click Overwrite. The Returns are now exported and locked. The exported tax returns are contained in the files EXPORT and EXPORT.CDS which are located in  X:\SOL64\TA\AETAX1\EXPORT\YYYY where X:  is the drive to which AETAX is installed to, or the client specific export folder location which was selected at step 5.
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