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Family Groups are defaulting when adding new client

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 33801

When adding a new client in the Client Wizard, you may find that the Family Group field is defaulting to an existing family group, which is not applicable to the new client.

This is generally caused by the default family group of -UNSPECIFIED- being removed from within the Family Group screen.

To resolve this, take a note of the default Family Group Name from the Client Wizard.

Select Maintenance > Client/Supplier > Family Groups.

You need to edit the name of the family group currently appearing on all new clients to -UNSPECIFIED-. You also need to add back the family group name that was overtyped as a new family group by clicking into the blank line and typing in the family group name then click OK to save.

Once this has been done all entities linked to the default family group are linked to - UNSPECIFIED-. You then need to manually correct the clients that should be linked to the family group name that was previously showing as the default name.

This will then allow the user to select the relevant family group or leave the default of -UNSPECIFIED- at the Family Group field in the Client Wizard.

To report on Family Groups, you need to create a report under Reports > Client > Client List and include for example,  Client Code, Client Name, Family Group.


Internal Notes


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