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File format for importing disbursements into Practice Manager

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 34669

To Importing disbursements into MYOB Practice Manager, the import file must be in the correct format.

File format for importing disbursements

The file to import disbursements into Practice Manager is a .TXT file.

The columns in the table below represent the fields from left to right. They must be in this order and each field is separated by a tab and the import file should not include column headings.



Date in DD/MM/YYYY format and left justified



(AE) Client code/Assignment code

(AO) Client code/Job type code/year




Client/[None] adds the entry to the Client.

Client/Tax/2017 adds the entry to the 2017 year.

PM Disbursement code


The alphanumeric value is left justified up to 10 characters and is case sensitive.


Must contain a value of zero (0) as a minimum, cannot be blank.


Must contain a value of zero (0) as a minimum, cannot be blank

Charge amount

Mandatory and must be entered as a number with 2 decimal places and without a $ sign. Any entries with 0.00 amounts must be removed from the file before importing.


Optional, but must be replaced with a tab if no value entered. Maximum of 255 characters allowed.

After the last line of import information there should be one carriage return to create a blank record.

Examples of values for different structures in AO

  • 04/07/2014     ABBOTRANK/[None]     016     0     0     12.27     "Imported BankLink Charge, File Code=A096, Cost Code=016"
  • 04/07/2014     ABBOTRANK/BAS/2014        016     0     0     4.76      "Imported BankLink Charge, File Code=L130, Cost Code=016"
  • 04/07/2014     ABBOTRANK     016     0     0     12.27     "Imported BankLink Charge, File Code=A096, Cost Code=016"

Example of values in AE

  • 04/07/2014     ABBOTRANK/Tax    016     0     0     12.27     "Imported BankLink Charge, File Code=A096, Cost Code=016"

Troubleshooting formatting Errors

 If the format of the import file is incorrect, you can receive errors such as:

  • "Index was outside the bounds of the array" and
  • "Importing Disbursements - Some of the transactions were not processed successfully. view log file?" The log file will list details of the lines that failed to import and why.

If you receive these sorts of errors, review the import file formatting as per the details above. 


To fix import errors

A suggested troubleshooting method is to add only one line i.e. the first line to a text file in the correct format and test the entry will import before adding more transactions to the import file.

Some common solutions are as follows:

  • For a charge amount to populate the disbursement sheet when importing, ensure the Disbursement code has a Markup of 1.0000 before commencing the import. Refer to Why do my disbursements have $0 in the charge column?
  • Check the disbursement code in your import sheet is the correct disbursement code and the Availability is set to Timesheets.
  • Ensure the import date you have selected is in the current period or prior period and these periods are open.
  • Check the client is open.
  • AE sites - check the assignment code you are importing to has the status of Open. Refer to Re-opening a client to find out how to change the status of an assignment if it's held or closed.
  • AO sites - check the correct Job Type has been used in the import file i.e. /[None] where the charge should go to the main code or the jobtype name and job year i.e. BAS/2018 (where the job year is open and not marked as complete).



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