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Finding my SOL63 folder

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 28750

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise, if you access Tax through System Release, you may need to determine the location of your SOL63 folder upon the advice of MYOB Support or if referred to in a Knowledge Base article. For example,  X:\SOL63. 

How to determine the SOL63 folder location
  1. In System Release, from the Folders window, double click Ledgers. The Ledgers window appears.
  2. Open the tax database for the current tax year. The Tax 20xx window opens, where 20xx is the tax year.
  3. Go to Help > About. The About Tax window appears.
  4. Click Application Details. The Tax Application Details window appears and the Sol63 folder reference is displayed.
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