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How do I process an SB pool when the balance is less than $6500?

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
Article ID: 24505

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Assets, when the balance of an SB pool, either General or Long Life, after taking into account any additions and disposals but before calculating any deduction, is below $6500 but greater than zero, you can fully deduct the remaining value, resulting in reducing the closing pool balance to zero.

How to process a pool balance less than $6500

When the balance is less than $6500 you process the balance as follows:

In Assets:

  • The balance of the pool is added to depreciable expense;
  • The additional depreciable expense results in the pool balance being reduced to $0.

In the integrated General Ledger:

  • The balance of the pool is added to the depreciation expense account;
  • The accumulated depreciation reduces the value of the pool to $0.
The amount of the pool value you can claim as an immediate deduction is now $6500.  This functionality is implemented in MYOB AE Assets 2.4.
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