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How do I update the Notes to the Accounts?

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic (NZ)
Article ID: 32477

In MYOB Accountants Office Classic you may need to update The Notes to the Accounts after a Formats update.

There are two ways to update the Notes. The method you choose will depend on whether you wish to keep any customised Notes you have created, or whether you delete all existing Notes and implement the MYOB Master Notes.

To delete the existing Notes and add the new Notes Report.
  1. From the Select General Ledger Screen, select the client and click on Open. The clients ledger will open.
  2. From the Reports menu, select Edit Customised Financial Report Definitions. The Edit Customised Financial Report Definitions window appears.
  3. Select the Notes report and press F8. Confirm that you want to delete the Notes report.
  4. To add a new Notes report, press F4. The Adding a New Customised Report window appears.
  5. Enter the Report ID as 800. From the Report Type list, select the Notes to the Accounts report. The Report Description is completed automatically, but you can edit it if necessary.
  6. Select the Copy an Existing Report option.
  7. From the Copy from Ledger list, select the appropriate Template Ledger for the client (for example, 60 Differential Coy Template - FRS)
  8. From the Report to Copy list, select the Notes to the Accounts report.
  9. Click OK to create the new Notes to the Accounts report.
To keep your existing customised Notes and update the Master Notes.
  1. From the Select General Ledger Screen, select the client and click on Open. The clients ledger will open.
  2. From the Reports menu, select Edit/Process Notes. The Edit/Process notes window opens.
  3. Click the Notes tab to display all Notes in the client ledger. A list of all of the Notes is displayed.
  4. Select a master note and press F8. Confirm that you want to delete the Master Note.

    A note is a master note where Master is in the source column for the note. If the source column is blank the note has been changed for the client's ledger.

    Repeat Step 4 for all Master Notes. You only want to keep customised notes.

  5. Click Process/Update. The Process & Update Notes window opens.
  6. Select the Update Notes to the Accounts check box and select the appropriate notes master from the drop-down list. For example, if it is a Trust client under FRS, select ZZNZ80 Trust Master - FRS
  7.  Click OK to open the Process Notes - Add Notes. Window listing the available notes to add appears.
  8.  Review and select the applicable Notes and, when completed, click Add Notes. Message Are you sure you want to add the selected Notes? appears
  9.  Click Yes. A Process Notes - Remove Notes window may appear if you have notes that are in the current ledger but not in the Master Notes ledger.
  10. Review and select the notes to be removed, then click Remove Notes. Message Are you sure you want to remove the selected Notes? appears.
  11. Click Yes. An Updating of notes window displays the summary of new notes added and notes deleted.
  12. Click OK. A Previewing Notes window processes the available notes and synchronises them with your ledger data. When this process is finished, the Edit/Process Notes window re-appears. Scroll through the list to ensure that the new notes are listed.
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