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Implementing menu level security for Reporter in System Release

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (NZ)
  • AE Reporter (AU)
  • AE MAS (NZ)
  • AE MAS (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 19434

When you first install MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Reporter, the menu option Reporter is made available from the Reports menu of the AE Management Accounting System (MAS) application for all users.

You can launch Reporter using the following options:

  • Generate Reports
  • Design Practice Reports
  • Design Client Reports
  • Enter Non-transaction data

You can restrict access to these Reporter menu options by implementing Menu Level Security (MLS) in MAS.

MLS and user security level concepts

 You can use the Menu Level Security (MLS) feature in System Services to control users' access to the AE Reporter options in the same manner as the MAS application. This is based on the security level applied to each user in System Release, for example you may have:

Job Role/ Security Level Reporter Menu Access Level 

System administrator

Full access - no restrictions


Office Administrator / Practice designer

Generate reports...
Design Practice reports...
Design Client reports...
Enter non-transaction data...


Professionals - Senior

Generate reports...
Design Client reports...
Enter non-transaction data...



Generate reports...
Enter non-transaction data...


Other practice staff not using Reporter

No access


The Security codes for Reporter are included in the MAS MLS Template and they are:

Security Code 

Menu Option 


Generate reports...


Design Practice reports...


Design Client reports...


Enter non-transaction data...

You can implement MLS for an individual MAS ledger or to apply to all MAS ledgers. 

Click the link for the required process:

How to set security for an individual ledger
  1. Open System Release, right-click the required ledger on the ledger list and select Properties. The Shortcut properties or Item properties window appears.

    If the Item Properties window appears go to step 4.
  2. Click Properties. The Item properties window appears.
  3. Click the MLS tab. Menu level security codes (overrides templates) is displayed.
  4. Click the white area under Menu level security codes (overrides templates) and from the Edit menu, select Import Text. The File Import screen displays.
  5. In the Look in field, browse to the Sol64 directory. A list of files and folders appear.
  6. Double-click Mlsmas4.txt. Text appears below the Menu level security codes (overrides templates).
  7. Scroll to the menu headings beginning with S6RptGR=0. Reporter menu headings are displayed.
  8. Edit the required option(s), example. S6RptDP=4*, 4* being the security level. Menu security access levels are changed.

    Other options can be deleted if not required.
  9. Press F6. Changes are now saved.
  10. Click OK. The Item properties window disappears.
  11. Click Cancel. The Ledger list appears.

    MLS settings applied at the ledger level overrides the security settings applied at a template level.

How to set security across all ledgers
The following steps are to establish MLS for the first time.  If you already have MLS implemented for MAS you simply need to add the relevant Reporter Menu codes and security levels to the existing MLS settings.
  1. Open System Release and from the Maintenance menu, select Templates. The Template Maintenance window.
  2. Select Management Accounting System Release 6.1 and click Properties. The Template Details screen appears.
  3. Click the MLS tab. Menu level security codes is displayed.
  4. Click the white area under Menu level security codes. Additional menus appear on the main menu bar.
  5. From the Edit menu, select Import Text. The File Import screen displays.
  6. In the Look in field, browse to the Sol64 directory. A list of files and folders appear.
  7. Double-click Mlsmas4.txt. Text appears below the Menu level security codes.
  8. Scroll to the menu headings beginning with S6RptGR=0. Reporter menu headings are displayed.
  9. Edit the required option(s), example. S6RptDP=4*, 4* being the security level. Menu security access levels are changed.

    Other options can be deleted if not required.
  10. Press F6. Changes are now saved.
  11. Click OK. The Template Maintenance window appears.
  12. Click Cancel. The Ledger list appears.


Internal Notes:

To activate MLS run SR EPSETMLS Sys=6
To deactivate MLS run SR EPSETMLS Sys= 9

Note: This updates the DS6OP010 file.

If Template access is denied run SR EPSETMLS TemEd=6
To secure template access run SR EPSETMLS TemEd=9

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