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Importing a MYE file from AccountEdge into Accountants Office

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic General Ledger (AU)
  • AO Classic (NZ)
Article ID: 32225

AccountEdge is MYOB's Small Business Accounting product for Apple Mac computers. The equivalent PC based product is Premier. The export files (MYEs) created by this software are different from our Windows products, and require additional steps to import into Accountants Office.

To import the AccountEdge file into Accountants Office
  1. Rename the MYE file from your client from a .mye extension to a .sit extension (e.g.  filename.mye to filename.sit). A .sit (StuffIt) file is a compressed file format, similar to .zip, popular on the Apple Mac platform.

  2. With the StuffIt Extractor software installed, double click on the .sit file to view the contents. One of the files within the .sit file should be named MYOBAO.TXT.

  3. Open Accountants Office, open General Ledger, open the ledger to import the data into and import the file via File > Import > MYOB Ledger (Accountant Link File).

  4. Select the MYOB Accountant Link Transaction File option, and browse to the location of the MYOBAO.TXT. Select other options as required and Import.

  5. Map the accounts to the correct accounts for Accountants Office. Save the template and Import.

You have imported the transactions from the AccountEdge file

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