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Importing transactions from a third party product into MAS

This support note applies to:

  • AE MAS (NZ)
  • AE MAS (AU)
Article ID: 29970

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise MAS (AE MAS) to successfully import transactions from a third party product into AE MAS you'll need to have exported the transactions from the third party product to a .CSV file.

To do this, you'll first need to export a comma separated variable (CSV) file from your 3rd party software or alternatively, create a new .CSV file in Microsoft Excel.

Before you import your transactions, open the file in Microsoft Excel and check that format complies with the specifications below.

File format requirements

Requirements for importing transactions from a 3rd party product into MAS

A1<ClientCode>Enter the client code of the MAS4 ledger you are importing transactions into. For example, SMITH01
Column (Row 2 onwards)ContentDetails



Contains the date of the transaction in the format DD/MM/YY or DD-MM-YY.



Enter one of the following types: R = receipts, P = payments, Jnl = journal



The group is a 3 character field and is used as an identification source.


Reference Number

The reference number can be up to 6 numeric characters.


Account Code

The account code can be up to 10 alpha-numeric characters. These codes must be valid and exist on the MAS4 ledger client chart of accounts.


Net Amount

Contains the actual values. All amounts are assumed to be debits unless prefixed with a minus. Amounts should not contain thousand separators. For example, 1000 and not 1,000.


Balance 2/ Quantity

Contains quantities.



Narration may be up to 60 characters long. Ensure no commas are entered into this field as this is interpreted as a column separator.


Contra Account

Contra account for the receipts and payments transactions.


Cash Journal Flag

Y for cash journal; N for non-cash journal.


Tax Level Code

A numeric code from 0 - 40 from the tax levels assigned in MAS.


Tax Amount

The amount of tax as calculated by 1/11 of the gross amount.


Tax Balance 2/Quantities

Contains quantities that relate to the tax amount

To import the transactions

To import a CSV file into MAS

  1. Open your MAS ledger and follow the menu path Utilities > Import > 3rd Party Transactions, then click Next to the first screen.

  2. Select the I have a current backup of this ledger checkbox, then click Next.

  3. On the Select transaction file screen, type the location and the file name of the file to be imported then click OK.

  4. On the Import file data type screen select the Delimited format and the Delimiter character then click Next, then Next again.

  5. On the Map account codes screen, if your file contains the correct account codes select mapping option No mapping and click Next.

  6. Enter a nominated suspense account then click Next, and then Finish. The Import transactions has completed successfully.

  7. Click OK.

The import process is completed and you may now review the data.

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