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Importing transactions from AccountRight into AO Classic General Ledger

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic General Ledger (AU)
  • AO Classic (NZ)
Article ID: 35275
To import transactions from MYOB LiveAccounts into MYOB AO Classic General Ledger
    1. Open the AccountRight Program and Select the clients file (.MYO or .MYOX depending on the version the client is using)

    2. Click Send to Accountant in the Accounts command centre.
    3. Select the period of the transactions and reports you want to be exported. (To select a range of months, hold down the mouse button while you move the cursor over the range of months.)
      It's important not to include dates you've included in a previous export, since this would result in double-counting your transactions. As a precaution, we recommend that you tell your accountant the period you've selected.
    4. Choose the method you want to use to send the information.
      1. If you want to send the file as an attachment to an email message, you can enter a linked card in the Linked Card for Accountant field and then click the Email button. (If you've entered an email address on the card, the email address will appear automatically when the email is created by your email program.)
      2. If you want to save the file to disk, click the Disk button. A "save" dialogue box appears, allowing you to enter a name and location for the export file. The name that appears automatically is XXX.mye (Company.mye). You can change the file name if you want, but you must use the .mye extension
    5. When you're satisfied with your entries, click the Save button (Disk) or the Send button (Email).
    6. You can close the Export Transactions window and log out of MYOB AccountRight.
    7. Browse to the folder you saved the .mye file to.
    8. Double click the mye file. The Processing MYE File screen will display.
    9. Click OK to close the processing MYE file screen.
    10. In the MYOB AO General Ledger you want to import the transactions into select the File > Import > MYOB Ledger (Accountant Link file).
    11. The Import MYOB Ledger (Accountant Link file) Wizard will appear. Select the client name of the LiveAccounts ledger (this will always display with 31/03/01 as the client ledger year end)
    12. The screen will now display 2 sets of dates, Unposted transactions only and All transactions.

      If you need to repost transactions previously posted tick the Include transactions previously posted? Tickbox.
    13. Specify the date range you wish to import.
    14. Once dates are selected choose the posting options you require.

      Import opening balances should only be used if importing into a blank ledger.
      Summarise transactions can be used if the details of individual transactions are not required.
    15. Account code conversion options now need to be selected.

      If you have a previously saved master template you can select it from the dropdown.
      Use customised template will use and save a template for this ledger only.
      Do not perform any Account Code conversion should not be used with a LiveAccounts file.
      Always tick Preview Template file prior to import? To ensure all mappings are correct.
    16. Click Import and the Importing from MYOB Accounting screen will display.
    17. The account mapping screen will display allowing you to map any accounts not mapped in the template selected. Once all accounts are mapped, I would suggest that you untick Show unmapped accounts only and review all mapping. Once you are sure all codes are mapped correctly then click Import to proceed.
    18. You may be asked to nominate a suspense account for any unmapped transactions to be placed in. click next to continue.
    19. A progress bar will display.
    20. Once the import has completed processing transactions a Summary will display.
    21. Click OK and your import has completed.

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