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Incorrect Closing Balance in Small Business Pool where the total Proceeds from Disposals are greater than the pool balance

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
Article ID: 37566

In Accountants Enterprise (AE) Assets, for a ledger in the 2015 Financial Year the closing balance for a Small Business (SB) General Pool can show an incorrect value. 

This occurs in the situation where the "Proceeds from Disposals" is greater than the sum of the Opening Balance less Depreciation on Opening Balance plus Additions, the report for the SB General Pool is not showing the correct Closing Balance. The incorrect information is also reflected in the integrated General Ledger.

To correctly show this information in AE Assets export the report to MS Word and manually correct the closing balance. To show the correct values in the General Ledger manually process a journal to correct what has posted and to reflect the correct values.

MYOB is investigating this issue.


PR 124699200355 


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