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Information that flow through from AE Practice Manager to AE Tax

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 34187

MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Practice Manager and MYOB AE Tax share information which is common to both applications.

Following is information regarding which labels are integrated from AE Practice Manger to AE Tax, depending on the type of integration used.

MYOB Admin Centre (Series 6 & 8)

The following details flow through from MYOB AE Practice Manager if MYOB Administration Centre 3 integration is used.

These details only flow through if the status of the return is not complete.

Field Description

Field Integration flow from Practice Manager to AE TAX

Home Address

Addresses tab > AE TAX (Front cover)

Business Address

Addresses tab > AE TAX (Front cover)

Postal Address

Addresses tab > AE TAX (Front cover)

Individual/Entity Name

Client tab (edit client details) > AETAX (Front cover)


Main tab > Extras Tab > AE TAX (Front cover)


Main tab > Extras Tab > AE TAX (Front cover)


Main tab > Extras Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties)

Date of Birth

Main tab > Extras Tab > AE TAX (Front cover)


Salutations do not flow through using AC3 integration.

Refer to

Extra's Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > Name tab)

PDF Password

Extra's Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > General tab)

Tax Contact

Extra's Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > Staff tab)

Tax Partner

Responsibility Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > Staff tab)

Tax Manager

Responsibility Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > Staff tab)

Tax Employee

Responsibility Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties)

Tax Agent

Tax Agent is defined by Tax Partner and needs to be configured in Compliance Management/Configuration. (Configure and Assign tax agent to a partner.)

Refer to MYOB Administration Centre 3 install guide on for post install notes, page 12, on how to configure Data Mappings in Admin centre to customise the flow of data from Practice Manager to AETAX.

To test if integration is working a change to PDF password can be made and details will flow through as per the above table.

CDS Vizpost

The following details flow through from MYOB AE Practice Manager if Vizpost integration is used. To check if this type of integration applies to you check if RunCDSVizpost application exists on the SQL server under menu path Start > All Programs > Solution6 > RunCDSVizpost. These details will only flow through if the status of the return is not complete.

Field Description

Field Integration flow from Practice Manager to AE TAX

Home Address

Addresses tab > AE TAX (CDS > Front cover)

Business Address

Addresses tab > AE TAX (CDS > Front cover)

Postal Address

Addresses tab > AE TAX (CDS > Front cover)

Individual/Entity Name

Client tab (edit client details) > AE TAX (CDS > Front cover)


TFN does not flow through from Practice Manager to AETAX. This needs to be manually entered in Return properties > General tab.


ABN does not flow through from Practice Manager to AE TAX. This needs to be manually entered in Return properties > general tab.


ACN does not flow through from Practice Manager to AE TAX. This needs to be manually entered in Return properties > general tab.

Date of Birth

Main tab > Extras Tab > AE TAX (CDS)


Main tab > CDS (Client's Details tab)

Tax Contact

Tax Contact does not flow through from Practice Manager to AE TAX. This needs to be manually entered in Return properties > staff tab.

Tax Partner

Responsibility Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > Staff tab)

Tax Manager

Responsibility Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > Staff tab). This feature only flows through once, if tax manager exists in staff tab need to change manually.

Tax Employee

Responsibility Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties). This feature only flows through once, if tax manager exists in staff tab need to change manually.

Tax Agent

Tax Agent does not flow through from Practice Manager to AE TAX. This needs to be manually entered in Return properties > staff tab.

To test if integration is working a change to Date of Birth can be made and details will flow through as per the above table.

PM Plus integration

The following details flow through from MYOB AE Practice Manager if PMPlus integration is used. To check if this type of integration applies to you check the version of MYOB Practice Manager (Help > about), version will read v5.…. plus. These details will only flow through if the status of the return is not complete.

Field Description

Field Integration flow from Practice Manager to AE TAX

Home Address

Addresses tab > AE TAX (Front cover)

Business Address

Addresses tab > AE TAX (Front cover)

Postal Address

Addresses tab > AE TAX (Front cover)

Individual/Entity Name

Client tab (edit client details) > AE TAX (Front cover)


Main tab > Extra's tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > General tab)


Main tab > Extra's tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > General tab)


Main tab > Extra's tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > General tab)

Date of Birth

Main tab > Extras Tab > AE TAX (Front Cover)


Main tab > AE TAX

Tax Contact

Tax Contact does not flow through from Practice Manager to AE TAX. This needs to be manually entered in Return properties > staff tab.

Tax Partner

Responsibility Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > Staff tab)

Tax Manager

Responsibility Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > Staff tab).

Tax Employee

Responsibility Tab > AE TAX (Return Properties > Staff tab).

Tax Agent

Tax Agent does not flow through from Practice Manager to AE TAX. This needs to be manually entered in Return properties > staff tab.

To test if integration is working a change to Date of Birth can be made and details will flow through as per the above table.

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