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Installing PDF Manager on Terminal Server

This support note applies to:

  • PDF Manager (AU)
  • PDF Manager (NZ)
Article ID: 10944
To install PDF Manager onto the Terminal Server

PDF Manager has to be installed from "Install Application on Terminal Server " using the Administrator's profile so it can be installed for all the available user profiles on the server.

  1. Start > Control Panel > Install Application on Terminal Server. The Install Application window appears.

    If you have Category view enabled, click on the green heading called Programs and you will find the applet here.
    If this applet does not appear, it would indicate that terminal services are not used and that this article is not applicable. Please confirm with your system administrtator if unsure.
  2. Use the Browse button to locate the executable. The Browse window appears.
  3. Browse to the location where the PDF Manager.exe has been saved, highlight the file and then click Open. The PDF Manager Installation welcome screen appears.
  4. Click Next to install PDF Manager. PDF Manager starts to install.

    For details of the PDF Manager installation, please refer to the PDF Manager Installation Guide and Release Notes.
  5. When the PDF Manager Installation completes, click Finish.
  6. If PDF Manager has not been licensed before, contact MYOB on to license it.
  7. If PDF Manager has been licensed you will need to locate the license file on the server (PDFMgr.lic). Go to the Help menu > License MYOB PDF Manager. The license MYOB PDF Manager window opens.
  8. Click on the ellipses [...] button beside Locate Existing License, and locate the PDFMgr.lic file.
  9. Click on Open, and then click OK.

 All the users in the profile should now be able to use PDF Manager.

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