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Investigating Company Statements not being received

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 36736

In MYOB Corporate Compliance you may experience the situation where you do not receive company statements despite connecting successfully to ASIC EDGE system. The connection may also show the session

MYOB is investigating this issue.

You may experience this situation on more than one occasion. In this scenario in order to assist in the investigation of this issue, can you please provide the following information to your support analyst.

The Following is the information to provide to MYOB Support.

Environmental and situational information

Are using a network or standalone installation?
What sort of firewall/antivirus suite are you using?
If more than one staff member performs the lodgement process, does the problem occur for everyone?

Electronic Lodgement Path

What is the Electronic Lodgement System path? To identify this location follow the menu path:

  1. From the Help menu, select About.
  2. Click Application Details.

    Is there sufficient space in this location?

Agent's Details
  1. Open the Agents module, select the relevant Agent and click Open agent details.
  2. Provide the contents of the following fields: ASIC Agent Number; and DIS User ID.

    The DIS User ID is under the EDGE login details.

Lodgement Session Logs

The session log tab contain session logs which detail the connection to ASIC. For each session log generated on the review date of the missing statement, please first view and then export each log for that day

  1. Open the Lodgement module and click the Session Logs tab.

    If you do not have this shortcut in your program menu, you can launch the module from the following location:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\Corporate Compliance\Utilities\CCUtilities.exe

  2. Highlight the statement for the relevant date/time and select View log.
  3. Click the Export Report icon in the toolbar.
  4. Navigate to and select the relevant location and select MS Word or PDF in the Save as type field and click Save.
Diagnostic Information

Run a diagnostic in the Utilities module to produce a Diagnostic log file.

  1. Follow the menu path: Start > All Programs > MYOB Accountant Enterprise > Corporate Compliance Utilities > Utilities.
  2. Click System Information in the Tasks panel.
  3. Click Run Diagnostics. The diagnostic tool runs for each item listed.  This process generates a txt file called CCDiagLog000#.txt and saves it into the Utilities folder detailed in Step 1.
The Company Statement file progress

The Company Statement files are received into your system prior to showing in Corporate Compliance.  Identify if these files have been downloaded and are stored in your system, but not recognised by CC.

To do this: Navigate to the < Electronic lodgment system path>\Inbound folder.

Ensure you are viewing the contents using the Detail view setting

Click on the date column heading to sort by date, and look for files called; where xxx is a 3 digit number, which have a date equivalent to the review date of the corporation. Right-click on any files found and select Open With > Adobe Reader. Review the details within to identify if your missing statement is one of the files and report your findings to your support analyst. 



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