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Loans and Advances Note missing from #Company Non Compliance All Balance Sheet Notes report in MYOB AE Reporter

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 38927

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Reporter version 3.4.6, you may experience the Loans and Advances Note does not appear in the Notes to the Balance Sheet when generating the #Company Non Compliance All Balance Sheet Notes report for the 2017 reporter year.

This issue occurs where the value for Loans and Advances appear under Current Assets in the Balance Sheet report but incorrectly, does not show the breakdown of the Loans and Advances balance in the Notes to the Balance Sheet for a Company entity.

Instead, the Loans and Advances account range incorrectly appears in the Trade and Other Receivables Note, resulting in a variance between the balance of Trade and Other Receivables in the Balance Sheet and the balance of Trade and Other Receivables in the Notes to the Financials. 

To correctly show the balance of Loans and Advances in the Notes to the Financials, add the format Trade and Other Receivables Loans Note to the #Company Non Compliance All Balance Sheet Notes.

MYOB is investigating this issue.

To open Report Designer at Practice Level

For more details refer to Accessing Practice Level Report Designer.

To add the Trade and Other Receivables Note to the report
  1. From Practice Report Designer, click the Reports tab. A list of reports appears in the left hand pane.
  2. Double-click on the #Company Non Compliance All Balance Sheet Notes report. The contents of the #Company Non Compliance All Balance Sheet Notes appear on the right hand pane.
  3. Double-click on the Notes to the Financial Statements group. The contents of this group appear in detail in the right hand pane.
  4. Click on the Formats tab. All available Formats appear in the left hand pane.
  5. Drag and drop the Trade and Other Recievables Note from the format list into the expanded group of the report. The new format appears in the expanded group of the report.
  6. Use the order arrows, the green arrow icons on the tool bar, to move the note format up or down in the order of the notes. The format is moved to the required position.
  7. Click the Save icon. The amended report is saved at the relevant level.
  8. Click the Close button. The report is closed.
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