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Locating the bin folder

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
Article ID: 28600

The bin folder is the program location for your compliance software such as Contacts, Client Compliance, Datasafe and Accounts.

You may be required to locate your bin folder to complete a procedure in another Knowledge Base article or when performing an upgrade.

To locate your bin folder, you'll need to know the Installed Location of your software.

To locate your Installed Location
  1. From MYOB AE, open any client record and click Client Compliance on the TASKS bar. The Client Compliance window appears.
  2. From the Help menu, select About MYOB AE Client Compliance.

    If you are using Contacts only, Open Contacts and follow the menu path Help > About MYOB Contacts
  3. Click Application details and note the Installed Location.

The bin folder is a sub-folder of your Installed Location. For example, where your Installed location is X:\MYOB, the location of your bin folder is X:\MYOB\bin.

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