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Managing access to your clients accounting data using MYOB Logins

This support note applies to:

  • Essentials Cashbook (AU)
  • AO Workpapers (AU)
  • AO Statutory Reporter (AU)
  • AE Workpapers (AU)
  • AE Statutory Reporter (AU)
  • AE Reporter (AU)
  • AE MAS (AU)
  • AE Accounts (AU)
Article ID: 37541

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) and Accountants Office (AO) when a practice and all its employees have been correctly setup to use MYOB Logins one of the benefits is that this simplifies managing access to your clients MYOB cloud based accounting data.  
For example; MYOB Essentials and AccountRight Live.

The potential benefits can include:

  • Client accounting data appears in AE or AO within the Client Accounting tab.
  • The Practice manages which employees have access to specific client accounting data files.
  • Avoids excessive invitations from your clients to individual employees.

MYOB recommends the following process to ensure that the MYOB login feature is being effectively utilised by both the Practice and your Client.

Managing access to client accounting data files

The following process will involve these steps:


Identify the Practice MYOB Login

Perform the following instructions from within MYOB AE or MYOB AO.

  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Online > Practice my.MYOB Settings. The Practice my.MYOB Settings window opens.
  2. Note the email address appearing in the Practice MYOB Login field. The Practice MYOB Login is identified. 

MYOB advises that this login should be the email address where clients are instructed to send all MYOB Essentials and AccountRight Live invitations to.  It is important that this email address is invited as an Administrator to the file.

Example: Where the practice_name is the name of your practice. 

Notify your clients

At this stage, you as a practice will need to communicate to all of your clients who use an MYOB cloud based accounting solution for example MYOB Essentials or AccountRight Live which email address they need to use when sending their invitation.

MYOB recommends that your client view this as inviting your Practice and then advising them that the email address to use is the email address you have identified as your Practice MYOB Login above.  

It is important that your clients use your Practice MYOB Login email address when sending the invitation so that access to their accounting data correctly appears in their AE or AO Client Accounting Tab. 
Accept the client invitations to the Practice

Here the client invitations sent to your practice will need to be accepted.  It is recommended that people with access to the email inbox for the Practice Login accept the invitations sent by your clients.

MYOB recommends that there are several people with access to this email inbox (i.e. Office Administrator and Practice Partners) so that there is no delay in accepting your client invitations. 
Confirm Practice Access

When the Practice accepts the client invitation, this allows the data file to be configured into the Client Accounting tab within AE or AO. To confirm this, in AE or AO open the client and click the Client Accounting tab. Click Configure a financial datasource and select AccountRight 2013.0 or later as the Product. Click the Online folder and the name of the client's data file appears. 

Accessing the client data file

Once the client data file is appearing in the Online folder, an employee can select this file to configure into AE or AO. This triggers AE or AO to advise if the employee does not have permission to access this file and to ask - would they like to have access?

In answering yes, this sends a message to the inbox of the Practice Login email address.   Then a person with access to this inbox then grants access to the employee. 

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