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Missing Timesheet report does not show the Actual Hours

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 37986

In MYOB Practice Manager (PM) version 5.4.9 you may find that the Missing Timesheet Report does not display any data under the Actual Hours column.

For the Actual Hours to display on this report, you will need to edit the report to include the following fields:

  • Total of Chargeable (Charge Hrs PTD) 
  • Total of Non Chargeable (Time NonCharg Hrs PTD)

Before editing any MYOB reports, it is recommended that you take a copy of the report before applying making any changes.

For information on how to edit a report see KB 35735: Creating and formatting reports in AE/AO



Internal Note:


SR# 122627892780

This will most likely not be fixed in future.

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