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Net Assets showing unrounded in the Balance Sheet

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (NZ)
Article ID: 39012

In MYOB Reporter version 3.4.6, when generating reports for a Company in the 2017 year and rounding has been applied, the Balance Sheet report shows the value for Net Assets unrounded.

To display the value of Net Assets rounded, follow the instructions below to alter the numeric style of the net assets value.

MYOB is investigating this issue.

To open Report Designer at Practice Level

For more details refer to Accessing Practice Level Report Designer.

To edit the number format
  1. From within Practice Report Designer, click the Formats tab located on the bottom left side of the Practice Report Designer window.
  2. From the list of formats, double click the Balance Sheet - Full Compliance format. The Balance Sheet - Full Compliance format opens for editing in the right-hand pane.
  3. Update cells D45 and D46 for the Style to be TotalExpectedSign. The Trade and Other Receivables Note now correctly displays rounded balances for accounts 692:699.
  4. Click the blue disk icon on the toolbar to save. The report is saved.
  5. Click close. The report closes.
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If this problem persists, please contact our support.