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No days to select when creating a timesheet

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 20554

Error 'The Time Processing Period is not set-up. Contact the Administrator' may appear when accessing timesheets or there are no days display to select when creating a new timesheet.

This means there are no current accounting periods available in the system in order to create a new timesheet for the required date.

The Time Processing Set-up screen within Practice Manager is used to add and maintain the Accounting Periods for use and selection within Timesheets. To setup, select Maintenance > Time Setup > Processing Time Setup, click the [+] sign on the relevant Accounting Period from under Description, click into the blank record row and select the relevant Time Processing Category (for example, Daily) from the drop-down list and click Add.

You will need to have enough security rights to access this area.

To setup a Time Processing Period, refer to Processing time setup (AE)

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