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PDF documents saving with blank pages

This support note applies to:

  • PDF Manager (AU)
  • PDF Manager (NZ)
Article ID: 34589

A small number of clients have reported instances where PDF documents are saved from PDF Manager with blank pages.  This usually involves importing and saving the document multiple times and at least one source document that includes an image of some kind.
For example:

  • Print a Word document that includes an image to PDF Manager.
  • Save the document as a PDF.
  • Import this PDF document back in to PDF Manager
  • Import in a second PDF document
  • Save the 2 imported documents as one single PDF document.
  • Import that document back in to PDF Manager
  • Save the PDF again.  This version of the PDF file will be blank from the start of the 2nd imported document.

As you can see, this is a relatively complex scenario and not one we would expect to happen consistently. There is no workaround other than not importing and re-saving the document multiple times.

It may be that at some stage there will be a resolution in a future release of PDF Manager.  Should that be the case it will be documented in the release notes for that version.


Problem # 11816772175

TT# 58885

This has always been an issue with PDF Manager and is still an issue in 1.6.  PDF have the documents to reproduce the issue but given the scenario it's unlikely there will be a fix in the future.

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If this problem persists, please contact our support.