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Preparing and lodging an amendment for a tax return for a client where I did not lodge their original tax form

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 29706

Occasionally when a new client enters your practice you may be requested to amend a previously lodged individual tax return.  

In MYOB Tax you will need to replicate the original return, manually edit the status of the tax return to Lodged and then preparing the amendment. This support article will step you through the process of achieving this.

If in this situation you need to prepare an amended entity return, you can just enter the amended values into the tax return form and lodge it.

Replicating the original lodged return and editing the status

Once you have added your client into MYOB and entered the original data into the tax return that was lodged to the ATO, use the following instructions:

To replicate the original lodged return and edit the status
  1. In the replicated original return press the Validate 
    icon to check that there are no validation errors. The return contains no validation errors.
  2. Follow the menu path Lodgment > Update > I P T C F Forms. The Lodgment Update window appears.
  3. Ensure the Single Return option is selected.
  4. Click OK. The Lodgment Update window appears showing the current status of the return.
  5. At the Status field, click the drop-down arrow and select Lodged. The status is updated and the return re-appears.
  6. Close the return. The return closes and you can now prepare the amended return.
To update the lodgment method in MYOB Tax
  1. Click the Return Properties icon on the toolbar. The Return Properties window appears.
  2. Ensure that 'P' for Paper return appears in the Return Lodged via field. 

    If this does not appear, click the ellipses [...] button at the Return Lodged via field and select P.
  3. Click OK. The return appears.
When amending an individual return, the system will create an Amended Return and it will appear in addition to the original tax return. When amending entity returns the original return is not retained, the new values overwrite those present in the return. MYOB recommends you have a printed copy of the original return prior to amending it.


For details on preparing an amended tax return, see Amending Lodged Returns.


For details on Lodging an amended tax return, see Lodging using Lodgment Manager.

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