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Printing Capital Gains worksheets

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 28857

In MYOB Tax you may need to print a Capital Gains Worksheets for a client.

This can be printed using one of the following methods:

  1. Adjusting the attributes of the print job to include Capital Gains worksheets, and/or
  2. Print Capital Gains Worksheets via the Reports > Print Schedule menu.

To adjust the attributes of the print job to include Capital Gains worksheets
  1. In MYOB Tax and open the tax return and select on the Reports menu > Print Return. The Print Form window appears.
  2. Click the Print job ellipsis button [...]. The Print tax forms option window appears.
  3. Highlight the required print job and then click Properties. The Print Options window appears.
  4. Click the Attributes tab. The details of this tab appear.
  5. Select either or both Include detailed capital gains worksheet and/or Include summary capital gains worksheet checkboxes. The relevant checkboxes are selected.
  6. Click OK. The Print tax forms option window appears.
  7. Click Close. The Print Form window appears.
  8. Click Print. The return prints with the Capital Gains worksheets.

    Click Cancel at step 8 if you do not want to print the return. The attribute changes will still be saved.
To print Capital Gains worksheets via the Reports > Print Schedule menu
  1. In MYOB Tax and open the tax return and select thee Reports > Print Schedules. The Print Schedule Options window appears.
  2. Click the Form or schedule ellipsis button [...]. The Schedule window appears.
  3. Highlight the Description Capital Gains Worksheet and click Select. A green tick appears next to this description.
  4. Click OK. The Print Schedule Options window appears.
  5. Select either or both the Detailed and/or Summary checkboxes at the Capital gains/CLW worksheets section. The relevant checkboxes are selected.
  6. Click OK. The Print window appears.
  7. Click Print or Preview. The Capital Gains Worksheets print or preview.
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