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Printing the summarised and multiple detailed P&L statements together

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 23938

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Reporter (AE Reporter), when printing a Summarised Detailed Profit and Loss Statement that includes a Multiple Departmental Profit and Loss Statements, you need to activate the Non-Transaction Database (NTD) item.  

Requesting any Detailed Profit and Loss Statement within AE Reporter prints a Summarised Profit and Loss Statement for any income category, such as Livestock, Professional, Trading, Rental or Investments.

To print Multiple Departmental Profit and Loss Statements in a report
  1. Activate the NTD #EntityDetails.ReportingExtraDetails as follows:

    Non-Transaction Data Item











    Enter Page Heading Name

    These multiple reports update the contents page and display after the Detailed Profit and Loss Statement in all entities reports.

  2. Select individual multiple reports as needed at any time from the main reports list.
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