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Printing the Trading Profit and Loss Statement in Reporter

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 28353

When generating a report in MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Reporter, the Profit and Loss Statement may not show the Trading Profit and Loss Statement but instead, displays a different Profit and Loss Statement format instead.

There are five types of Profit and Loss (P&L) formats available. Reporter will check the income accounts used in the ledger, then print the appropriate Profit and Loss Statement format accordingly.

The P&L Trading format is the only format that breaks down Cost of Goods Sold and Manufacturing Costs. This format will print where the following conditions have been met:

  • You've chosen "Yes" to ForceTradingP&L in the client Non-transaction data.
  • The sum of all Trading accounts is anything other than 0.
  • Primary Production, Professional, Rental and Investment income is equal to zero OR Trading Sales is less than or equal to the sum of Primary Production, Professional, Rental or Investment income.

    "Less than" is where the credit balance of the Trading Income accounts is greater than the debit/credit balance of any other type of income. Translation: the credit balance sum of accounts 230 to 249 is more than that of any other.

Where the ledger contains other types of income as well as income from trading, the Profit and Loss Statement may not print using the P&L Trading format. This usually occurs where another type of income has a total value that is higher than the "Trading" income accounts. You can override this by changing the following settings:

1. Force the Trading Profit and Loss statement
  1. Open the General Ledger and follow the menu path: Reports > Reporter > Generate Reports.
  2. From within Reporter, click Non-transaction data tab.
  3. Click
    to expand the #EntityDetails folder, then double-click on ReportingExtraDetails. The #EntityDetails.ReportingExtraDetails table opens.
  4. For ForceTradingP&L, choose Yes from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Apply then preview the report.

If the Profit and Loss statement does not print using the Trading format, continue to task 2 to edit the printing conditions of the P&L formats.

2. Remove the print condition on the P&L Trading format
  1. From within the ledger you're printing reports for, follow the menu path: Reports > Reporter > Design Client Reports. The <ClientCode> - Report Designer window appears displaying all reports available in the left-hand panel.
  2. Double-click on the report you've chosen to print for your client. For example #Company Small or $Management Non Compliance. The Report Editor: <Report Name> window opens in the right-hand pane.
  3. Click
    to expand the Detailed Profit and Loss Statement folder.
  4. Click
    to expand the With Income folder.
  5. Click
    to expand the Current Year folder.
  6. Right-click the P&L Trading format and select Properties. The Report Element Properties window appears.
  7. Click the Condition tab and highlight the entire contents of the Formula field. Press the DELETE key on the keyboard. The formula is removed.
  8. In the Formula field, type =TRUE, then press OK to save the condition.

Continue to the next task to edit the print conditions on all other P&L formats and ensure they refrain from printing. You'll need to do this within the Detailed Profit and Loss Statement > With Income > Current Year folder so don't close reporter just yet.

3. Edit the condition on all other P&L formats

From within the Detailed Profit and Loss Statement > With Income > Current Year folder:

  1. Right-click the P&L Livestock and Farm Income format and select Properties.
  2. Click the Condition tab and replace the existing formula with =FALSE. Then click OK. The condition is updated.
  3. Right-click the P&L Professional format and select Properties.
  4. Click the Condition tab and replace the existing formula with =FALSE. Then click OK. The condition is updated.
  5. Right-click the P&L Rental format and select Properties.
  6. Click the Condition tab and replace the existing formula with =FALSE. Then click OK. The condition is updated.
  7. Right-click the P&L Investment format and select Properties.
  8. Click the Condition tab and replace the existing formula with =FALSE. Then click OK. The condition is updated.
  9. Once all P&L formats have been updated, click the Save (
    ) icon. The report is saved at Client level and you can now close out of Report Designer.
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