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Property Plant & Equipment Note shows incorrect amount for value entered in Non Transaction Data

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (NZ)
Article ID: 38171

In MYOB Reporter version 3.4.200 for Reporter year 2016 you may experience that the Property Plant & Equipment Note shows the incorrect amount for value entered in Non Transaction Data for Asset 05.

To resolve this issue customise the master level format Notes IFRS - Property Plant & Equipment to show the correct Database Map reference at cell G86.

MYOB is investigating this issue.  

To access Report Designer at Practice level. For more details refer to Accessing Practice Level Report Designer

To edit the format
  1. Click Formats tab. The list of formats appears. Note: The Formats tab is located at the bottom left side of the Practice Report Designer window.
  2. Double click Notes IFRS - Property Plant & Equipment format. The format opens in the right-hand pane.
  3. Locate Cell G86 and edit the line to replace Asset04 to Asset05. Cell G86 is now updated. For example; =DB.IFRS.Notes.Contents.PropertyPlantEquip.FullReportingEntities.Asset05.Other2Amount
  4. Click Save icon located in the top menu bar to save the changes. The Notes IFRS - Property Plant & Equipmentwill now display correctly.

MYOB Internal Notes:

Insert PR# 135562496414

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If this problem persists, please contact our support.