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Quantities missing from the previous year in the Livestock Trading Statement in Statutory Reporter

This support note applies to:

  • AE Statutory Reporter (NZ)
  • Workpapers (NZ)
  • AO Workpapers (AU)
  • AO Statutory Reporter (AU)
  • AE Workpapers (AU)
  • AE Statutory Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 38962

In MYOB Statutory Reporter you may experience livestock quantities from the prior financial year are missing from the Livestock Trading Statement where quantities had been entered in the legacy ledger before migration to AE/AO ledger.

This issue occurs where quantities had been entered for the previous year in AE MAS, AE Accounts or AO General Ledger before being migrated and rolled forward to the next financial year.

To display prior year livestock quantities in the Livestock Trading Statement, add a period for the previous financial year in the Trial Balance (Workpapers) tab and create a journal for the quantities in the Workpaper period, then post the journal.



Insert PR# 150333661322

SR# 149891285633


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