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Re-installing Accountants Office Classic on a network

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic Tax (AU)
  • AO Classic Practice Management (AU)
  • AO Classic General Ledger (AU)
  • AO Classic (NZ)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 23833

To re-install on a computer on a network, rename C:\Program Files\Accountants Office and then run Update Accountants Office.

To re-install on all computers on a network, rename M:\MYOBAO\Setup and then re-install; then on each computer, rename C:\Program Files\Accountants Office and run Update Accountants Office.

Please refer to the appropriate scenario:

A computer on a network installation of Accountants Office Classic
  1. At your Windows Desktop, right-click the Start button and select Explore. Windows Explorer window opens.

  2. Navigate to and select the Accountants Office Classic program folder. The Accountants Office program folder highlights.

    Ensure that you navigate to the correct location based on the Windows Operating System that you are currently using:

    - 32-Bit: C:\Program Files\Accountants Office
    - 64-Bit: C:\Program Files(x86)\Accountants Office

  3. From the File menu, select Rename. The cursor flashes at the end of the Accountants Office program folder name.

  4. Rename the folder to Accountants Office 1 and press ENTER. The Accountants Office program folder appears as Accountants Office 1.

    Use another name if Accountants Office 1 already exists.

  5. From the Start menu and select Run. The Run window opens.

  6. Type regedit and click OK. The Registry Editor window appears.

  7. Expand HKEY_Local_Machine and navigate to the following location: SOFTWARE > MYOB > Accountants Office or SOFTWARE > WOW6432node > MYOB > Accountants Office. The registry items appear.

  8. Right-click on the Accountants Office key in the right-hand pane and select Rename or Delete. The key is renamed or deleted.

    If you rename the key, call the updated key Accountants Office.old or similar.

  9. Close the Registry Editor. The Registry Editor closes.
  10. Follow the menu path: Start > MYOB > Update Accountants Office. The Accountants Office installation Wizard starts.
  11. Complete the steps of the installation wizard. Accountants Office Classic is installed.
    The installation of Accountants Office Classic is installed and you can now restart Accountants Office Classic.
All computers on a network installation of Accountants Office Classic
  1. At your Windows Desktop, right-click the Start button and select Explore. Windows Explorer window opens.

  2. Navigate to X:\MYOBAO, right-click the Setup folder and select Rename. The cursor flashes at the end of the Setup folder name.

  3. Rename the folder to Setup1 by typing Setup1 and then press ENTER. The Setup folder appears as Setup1.

    Use another name if Setup 1 already exists.

  4. Go to the Start menu and chose Run. The Run dialog box appears.

  5. Type in regedit and press OK. The Registry Editor window appears.

  6. Expand HKEY_Local_Machine and navigate to the following location: SOFTWARE > MYOB > Accountants Office or SOFTWARE > WOW6432node > MYOB > Accountants Office. The registry items display.

  7. Right-click on the Accountants Office key in the right-hand pane and select Rename or Delete. The field is active to be renamed or deleted.

    If you select rename, call the key Accountants Office.old or similar.

  8. Close the Registry Editor. The Registry Editor window

  9. Re-install Accountants Office Classic using the latest CD. The Accountants Office Classic installation wizard starts.

    If you do not have the latest installation CD refer to the MYOB Products Downloads page, Australia or New Zealand.

  10. Complete the steps of the installation wizard. Accountants Office Classic installs.

  11. Re-install the updates so that you are running the latest version of Accountants Office Classic. Accountants Office Classic updates to the latest version.

  12. At the Windows Desktop on a computer that you want to re-install Accountants Office Classic, right-click the Start button and select Explore. Windows Explorer window opens.

  13. Navigate to and single-click the Accountants Office Classic program folder so that it is highlighted. The Accountants Office program folder highlights.

    Ensure that you navigate to the correct location based on the Windows Operating System that you are currently using:
    - 32-Bit: C:\Program Files\Accountants Office
    - 64-Bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Accountants Office

  14. From the File menu, select Rename. The cursor flashes at the end of the Accountants Office program folder name.

  15. Type Accountants Office 1 and press ENTER. The Accountants Office program folder appears as Accountants Office 1.

    Use another name if Accountants Office 1 already exists.

  16. Follow the menu path: Start > MYOB > Update Accountants Office. The Accountants Office Classic installation wizard starts.

  17. Complete the steps of the installation wizard. Accountants Office Classic installs.

    The installation of Accountants Office Classic is complete and you can now restart Accountants Office Classic.

Repeat Steps 12 to 17 on the other computers for which you wish to re-install Accountants Office Classic.



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