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Removing master non-transaction data

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (NZ)
  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 16400

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Reporter (AE Reporter), default master data is displayed in non-transaction data to provide meaningful information without you needing to enter the information.

You can customise the data or hide fields. You can:

  • edit the master data and replace it with your own data at practice level
  • use the null option without deleting the master data. The data won't appear in any reports. For example, if you select Null for to Company Number when there is no number to enter, the company number won't appear in the reports for all ledgers of the selected type (company, trust, etc.)
To open Design Practice Reports
  1. In MAS, open a Trust MAS ledger and go to Reports > Reporter > Design Practice Reports. The Practice - Report Designer window appears.

  2. In Accounts:

    1. Open Configuration and go to Configure > Accounts > Report Designer. The Accounts - Practice Designer wizard appears.

    2. Choose the entity type and click Next.

    3. Choose any ledger from the list and click Finish. The Practice - Report Designer window appears.

To use the Null option
  1. For practice level, open Design Practice Reports and click the Database Map tab. The list of database maps appears.
  2. For client level, open the general ledger and go to Reports > Reporter > Enter Non-Transaction Data. The [XYZ] - Reporter Database window displays all reports available in the left hand pane. [XYZ] is the client code of the general ledger.
  3. Expand the #EntityDetails folder.
  4. Click the Client Details table.
  5. Click the Table Data button at the bottom of the right-hand pane. The Table Data window appears.
  6. For any fields that you want to hide, select the Null checkbox in the far right-hand column.

  7. Click Apply and click Close on the client details window.

  8. Click Close. The Reporter closes and the MAS ledger appears.



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