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Removing the Note number for Total Borrowings

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 33455

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Reporter, when printing financial statements for a company where the Borrowings Note is included, this may show a note reference number at the Total Borrowings line.  This relates to AASB 7 Financial Instruments Disclosure and reflects some of the values for Trade and Other Receivables which are also classed as Borrowings.

If you do not wish to show the note number at the total borrowings value, you can remove this from Report Designer.

To remove the note number
  1. Open the MAS ledger for your client and follow the menu path: Reports > Reporter > Design Client Reports to open Client level Report Designer.

  2. Click the Formats tab located on the bottom-left corner of Report Designer.

  3. Locate the Borrowings Note format and double-click the note to open the format for editing in the right-hand pane.

  4. Click in cell C27 and press the Delete key on your keyboard. Then click the Save icon

    which is the blue disk icon
    on the toolbar to save your changes.

  5. Close the Report Designer window.

The note number no longer appears next to the Total Borrowings when printing financial reports.

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