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Reporting on write offs and write ups for clients

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 33746

To report on write offs and write ups, you can use standard reports to either get a total per client or a total per invoice and also for an overall total per client company/practice.

Should you wish to break down the information further, you will need to create a report to do so.

To report on write offs/write ups per client
  1. In MYOB Practice Manager, click the Reports icon.
  2. Under WIP and Debt > Client Summary, highlight the Client Summary by Client Partner report and click Run. 

    This report displays the write offs/write ups at the WIP level for example, against the client that the timesheet was created for.
To report on write offs/write ups per invoice
  1. In MYOB Practice Manager, click the Reports icon.
  2. Under Fees > Debtor Invoices by Client, highlight Debtors invoices by Company ordered by Invoice and click Run. 

    This report displays the write offs/write ups at the billing client level for example, who the bill was raised against.
To report on write offs/write ups per client company/practice
  1. In MYOB Practice Manager, click the Reports icon.
  2. Under WIP and Debt > Control by client > Control Report by Client Company report and click Run. 

    This report will show the breakup of WIP and debtors; including write ups/offs per client company on each page and the last page displays the practice totals.
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