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Resolving "SR DAL Server is off line/incorrect name" when creating an SQL folder

This support note applies to:

  • AE System Release (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 26049

When attempting to create an SQL folder in System Release 8.0d or above, System Services may display the error message "SR DAL server is off line/incorrect" followed by the error "Folder could not be established on this path".

If this error message occurs you need to make sure the following areas are correct:

  • Ensure when creating an SQL folder, the server name is set to the windows computer name where SQL is installed and running
  • Ensure the System Release DAL service is configured correctly and running.
  • Ensure SQL instance is running.
To confirm the SR DAL is configured and operating correctly
  1. Follow the Menu Path Start > Control Panel. The Control Panel window appears.
  2. Double-click on System Release DAL. The System Release DAL window will appears.
  3. Navigate to the Configuration tab and note the field SQL server to host databases. Ensure this is the correct instance. E.g. a Default instance would just be the SERVERNAME, a Named instance would be the SERVERNAME\INSTANCE NAME.

    This can't be modified whilst the service is running it must be stopped

  4. Navigate back to the Status tab and ensure the SR DAL Status is set Running. If it states Stopped please click Start but only after ensuring step 3 has correctly been done.

  5. Click OK. The System Release DAL window closes.

To ensure the SQL service itself is running
  1. Follow the Menu Path Start > Search programs and file. The search window appears.
  2. Type services.msc and press Enter. The services window appears
  3. Navigate to the services entitled SQL Server ( ). Right click on the relevant SQL Server service and select Start. If your unsure which is relevant in your case:
    • Default instance is SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)
    • Named instance will be SQL Server (NAMEOFINSTANCE)


Nearly all AE sites will should be using a default instance. Named instances are only for New AO

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