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Restoring a corrupted Payroll file in Accountants Office

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic (NZ)
Article ID: 5397

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Payroll data can become corrupt if the system is interrupted while it is writing information to the payroll files or if the system is not allowed to shut down properly. This could be caused by a power failure, or by a computer hanging or crashing due to another program becoming unresponsive. This support note explains how to restore the Payroll file if this occurs.

To restore the payroll file
  1. Ensure all users close out of Accountants Office (AO).

  2. Refer to the error message, which will usually specify the Drive, Path and Number of the corrupted Payroll file, for example database M:\MYOBAO\Data\Payroll\Payroll 3.

  3. Use Windows Explorer to browse to the MYOBAO folder, then within this folder you will find a Data folder.

  4. Delete the CADATA.DCT, CADATA.DBC and CADATA.DCX files from within the Data folder.

  5. Also within the Payroll folder, copy the affected Payroll folder, for example Payroll 3, onto the Desktop then delete it from the Payroll folder.

  6. Open Payroll and Create A New Payroll to open a blank company to restore your backup into.

  7. Enter ABC in the Company Name and click OK twice.

  8. Restore your backup of Payroll 3:

    • Go to the File menu and choose Restore.

    • Select the location of the Payroll backup, for example C:\ .

    • Click Yes to the warning "All data in the current Payroll directory will be over-written by the data you are restoring".

  9. When you have successfully restored your data you can delete the Payroll 3 folder on the Desktop.

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