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Retained Earnings and Current Year Earnings accounts missing from Balance Sheet

This support note applies to:

  • AE Statutory Reporter (NZ)
  • Workpapers (NZ)
Article ID: 30189160

In MYOB Statutory Reporter version 5.4.28, you may experience the Retained Earnings and Current Year Earnings accounts are missing from the Equity section of the Balance Sheet.

This issue occurs where the Entity type selected is an Individual and the configured ledger is an Essentials Accounting ledger.

We're aware of this issue and we're looking into a solution.

As a workaround, re-allocate the Retained Earnings and Current Year Earnings accounts (located within the Balance Sheet > Equity > Retained Earnings folder), to the Balance sheet > Equity > Proprietor's funds account group.


Insert PR# 159159996166

SR# 159086838788

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