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Reversing a supplier invoice

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 32913

You may need to reverse an incorrect invoice raised on a supplier or when goods are returned to a supplier after they have been invoiced in the system.

The supplier may issue a credit note for the goods. In this instance, enter the credit note as a negative invoice amount, then allocate the credit note against the relevant invoice.

To enter a negative invoice
  1. Go to Bookkeeping > Creditors > Creditors Invoice. The Creditors Invoice window appears.
  2. Select the company from the Company drop-down.
  3. Find and open the supplier from the Supplier field.
  4. Enter the date in the Date field, invoice number in the Number field and description in the Description field.
  5. Enter the negative net amount in the Amount field.
  6. Select the relevant tax rate from the Tax Rates field if necessary. The default rate is displayed automatically.
  7. Select the relevant nominal code from the Nominal field.
  8. Click the Submit, Authorise and Post button. A message Purchase ledger invoice has been successfully posted appears.
  9. Click OK.
To allocate the negative invoice
  1. Open the supplier. The Main tab appears.

  2. On the Tasks bar, select Purchase Ledger. The Ledger window appears.
  3. Select the company in the Company field. The outstanding invoices for the selected company display.
  4. Select the negative invoice.
  5. Press Ctrl and select the invoice to allocate the negative invoice. Both invoices are selected.
  6. Click Allocate and Close.
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