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Rolling forward the Practice level components in Reporter

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (NZ)
  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 23391

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Reporter, the Practice level components roll forward automatically to the new Reporter Year the first time an individual ledger is opened in that new Reporter Year.

The system rolls forward to the new Reporter Year the Practice Masters for all of the entity types. Once the roll forward of Practice Masters occurs, if you subsequently make changes to Practice level components in a preceding Reporter Year, you need to perform the roll forward manually through Design Practice Reports.

1. Open practice-level Report Designer

To open the practice-level Report Designer (or "Design Practice Reports"), choose your product below:

MAS is relevant for both Australia and New Zealand regions.
  1. From within a MAS ledger follow the menu path: Reports > Reporter > Design Practice Reports. The Practice - Report Designer screen appears.
MYOB AE Accounts
Accounts is only relevant in Australia. If you are in New Zealand, refer to the MAS instructions.
  1. From within Configuration, follow the menu path: Configure > Accounts > Report Designer. The Accounts - Practice Designer wizard screen appears.
  2. Select the entity type required and click Next. The wizard continues.
  3. Select any ledger from the drop-down menu and click Finish. The Practice - Report Designer screen appears.

2. Roll forward Practice-level reporter components

To roll forward practice report components
  1. From within the practice Report Designer and follow the menu path: Tools > Reporter Year. The Reporter year selection window opens.
  2. Select the Reporter Year to be the previous year as required and click OK. The system will be set to the Reporter Year.
  3. From the Tools menu, select Roll Forward. The Roll Forward window opens with the message "Do you wish to roll forward to '20xx'?"
    Where the roll forward has previously been run, the prompt "Roll Forward has previously been run for 20xx. Existing items in 20xx will be deleted. Do you still wish to continue?" appears.
  4. Click Yes. The roll forward process runs and the Reporter Year sets to 20xx.
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