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Rolling over rental properties in AO Classic

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic Tax (AU)
Article ID: 25373

In MYOB Accountants Office (AO) Classic Tax, when opening a tax return for the first time in a new tax year, a prompt appears asking if you would like to roll over the tax return details from the previous year. If the previous year's return contains a rental property, click Yes to roll over the rental property to the current year.

If you choose not to roll over the tax return details from the previous year or the rental property doesn't appear in the tax return, you can roll over the rental property via the Rental Property Maintenance window.

To roll over the rental property details
Remain in the Tax module, but close the tax return prior to performing these steps.
  1. From the Tax menu select Rental Property Maintenance. The Rental Property Maintenance window opens showing the rental properties that have already been rolled over for the selected year.
  2. Select the year that you want to roll over the property into from the Tax Year field drop-down list. The properties appear for the selected year.
  3. Click the Rollover button. The returns which haven't been rolled over appear.
  4. Select the property that you want to roll over and click Rollover Selected Property. The property no longer appears in the list.

    If you wish to roll over all properties, click Rollover all Properties.
  5. Click Close. The Rental Property Maintenance window appears.
  6. Click Close. The rental property is now present when you access the property from the return.
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