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Rounded balances display incorrectly in the Trade and Other Receivables notes for a Company

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 38871

In MYOB Reporter version 3.4.6, you may experience account balances on the Trade and Other Receivables note to the Financial Statements incorrectly display .00 cents instead of a whole number when applying rounding in Reporter.

For example, when applying rounding in Reporter the account 639 - Loans to Directors, a balance of $19340.00 displays instead of $19340 in the Trade and Other Receivables note.

This issue occurs when printing or previewing the Notes to the Financial Statements from within the #Company Non Compliance All Balance Sheet Notes report and Apply Rounding as been selected in Reporter.

To display the correct numeric format edit the Trade and Other Receivables note at practice level and format column D to display 0 decimal places.

To edit the number format

Perform the following instructions from within Accessing Practice Level Report Designer.

  1. Click the Formats tab. The list of formats appears.

    The Formats tab is located at the bottom left side of the Practice Report Designer window.
  2. Double click the Trade and Other Receivables Note format.
  3. Highlight cells D21, D22 and D23 then right-click and select Format Cells.
  4. In the Category tab, select the format Numeric.
  5. Select the Decimal Places drop down menu and select 0.
  6. Click the blue disk icon on the toolbar to save the changes.
  7. Click close. The report closes.

The Trade and Other Receivables Note now correctly displays rounded balances for the accounts 692:699.


Insert PR# 148269252969

SR# 148233238253



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