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Run Time Error 339 "Component TABCTL32.OCX or one of its dependencies is not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid"

This support note applies to:

  • Profiles (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 29166

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) if you use Contacts or Practice Manager with Compliance Integration, within Datasafe when selecting Options you may experience the following error:

"Run Time Error 339 Component TABCTL32.OCX or one of its dependencies is not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid".

This error appears if the Tabctl32.ocx file is missing from the Windows system directory on the affected computer.

To resolve this error you will need to copy this missing file from a working computer to the affected computer. The following instructions will step you through this process.

To access the Tabctl32.ocx from a working computer
Perform the following instructions from a computer that is not experiencing this error.
  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the following location: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder for 32 bit machines or C:\WINODWS\SYSWOW64 folder for 64 bit machines. The appropriate folder displays its contents.
  2. Highlight the file named Tabctl32.ocx and copy the file. The selected file is copied. Note:  When copying the file, if network access is available this can be used.  Alternatively, use a media device like a USB stick or external drive if direct access to the affected computer is not available.
  3. On the computer experiencing the error, at the Windows Desktop, right-click on the Start button and select Explore. Windows Explorer is opened.
  4. Navigate to the following location: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder for 32 bit machines or C:\WINODWS\SYSWOW64 folder for 64 bit machines. The appropriate folder displays its contents.
  5. Copy in the file Tabctl32.ocx from the network location or media device that it was copied to in Step 2 to the folder location determined in Step 4. The file is copied into the desired location.

Once completed, retry accessing the Options button in Datasafe.  If you still experience errors please click this link further instructions.

MYOB emailed you Taxctl32.ocx
  1. Copy the Tabctl32.ocx file from the email MYOB sent you, and paste it into the appropriate location:
If you use ...Paste the file in ...
32 bit computerC:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32  
 64 bit computerC:\WINODWS\SYSWOW64  

 Note Once completed, retry accessing the Options button in Datasafe.  

If the error still occurs...

If the error still occurs, this may mean that the Tabctl32.ocx file may also need to be registered.  The following instructions will register this file.

  1. Press and hold the Windows button and press R on your keyboard. The Run window opens.  
  2. In the Open field, type regsvr32 c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\TABCTL32.OCX
    Note:  On 64 bit machines, ensure that you replace SYSTEM32 with SYSWOW64.
  3. Click OK.   The  message 'The DllRegisterServer in \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\TABCTL32.OCX succeeded' appears. 
  4. Click OK. The Windows Desktop appears.
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If this problem persists, please contact our support.