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Running the Retain Schedule Data (RSD) routine using System Release

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 29549

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Tax, you can transfer values from a tax return into the next tax year to provide some default information and reduce the time you take to complete the current year's data.  You do this by running the Retain Schedule Data (RSD) routine.

The RSD routine assumes the Year End routine has been completed and that the schedules already exist in the next year, transferring only the data. You perform the RSD routine through the Retain Schedule data option in the Practice default options menu. For more details refer to the AE Tax Installation guide.

The following information applies if you use System Release to access AE Tax.

To run the RSD
  1. Start System Release. The Folders window appears.
  2. Highlight Ledgers and press Enter. The Ledgers window appears.
  3. Highlight the AE Tax ledger that you want to transfer the schedules to.
  4. Press Enter. The Select return window appears.
  5. Follow the menu path: Utilities > Practice default options > Retain Schedule data. The Retain Schedule Data Options window appears.

    If the Enter Master Password window appears, type your password and press ENTER. The default password is ASSERT

     The RSD routine options default to the selections made in the previous year, except for the field Exclude Returns not lodged in <previous year>, which is always selected, where <previous year> represents the previous year. 

     The options selected apply to both batch and individual RSD processing.

    If you select Force RSD every selected Return, the system performs the RSD routine on all returns selected in the next Record Selection window. This overwrites all the existing current year data.

  6. Click Execute. The Record Selection window appears.

    You can select to roll over one return only or a range by typing the return code in the First and Last fields.

  7. Click OK. The Select Return window appears.

The Processing window appears until the RSD function finishes. You have now successfully performed the RSD routine. 

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