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Schedule of shareholder current accounts displaying additional lines for Opening Balance

This support note applies to:

  • AE Statutory Reporter (NZ)
Article ID: 39144

In Client Accounting version 5.4.26, you may notice that the Opening Balance line appears multiple times in the Schedule of shareholder current accounts after the shareholder account subtotal.

This occurs where the Opening Balance amount is NIL.

We're aware of this issue and we're working on a solution.

In the meantime, for the report to show correctly:

  • delete or unallocate the unused shareholder accounts from the Account Groups.
  • remove the Account Type Group from the accounts via Manage Accounts function.
To delete or unallocate accounts from the Account Groups
  1. From the Client Accounting > Reports tab, click Account Groups on the TASKS bar.

  2. Locate the shareholder Opening Balance account in the Account Group Details tree.
  3. Right-click on the Opening Balance account and select Delete.
  4. Click Yes to the confirmation window. The account group folder in the Account Group Details tree is removed and returned to the Chart of Accounts table.
To delete the Account Type Group
  1. From the Client Accounting > Workpapers tab, click Manage Accounts located on the TASKS bar.
  2. In the Manage Accounts window, locate the shareholder account you wish to edit.

    You can use the search field at the top of the window to search for values in the Account No. and Account Name fields.
  3. Select the account row then click on Manage Account Type Group.
  4. Select the row with the account type you want to delete, then click the Delete button.
  5. In the Delete window, click Yes, then click OK.
  6. In the Manage Accounts window, click Submit to close


Insert PR# 151772076061


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