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Scheduling an automatic backup in MYOB Accountants Office

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
Article ID: 34297

The MYOB Accountants Office (AO) database contains all your client data and we recommend performing a regular backup.  You can schedule an automatic backup

Following is information regarding how to create a scheduled back up for the MYOB AO Tax Databases.

To schedule to backup MYOB AO Database
  1. Open MYOB AO and log in Administrator.The MYOB AO window appears.
  2. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Backup > Schedule Backups.
    The Schedule backups window appears.
  3. Enter the required information for the following fields:



    Backup location:


    Enter or browse to and select the location where you wish the backup files to be stored.

    Back up every:

    Click the drop-down arrow and select the required frequency for the backup. You can select every day, a specific day or weekdays only.


    Specify the time to perform the backup.

    Ensure this is a time when the system is switched on.

    Keep the last x scheduled backups in the specified backup location

    Enter the number of backup files to be kept. For example if you enter 10, the 11th backup replaces the earliest backup and you constantly have 10 backup files.

  4. Click Schedule. The backup schedule is saved and the MYOB AO window appears.

The backup is successfully scheduled to be performed at the specified frequency and times. When the scheduled backup runs, a zip file for the backup is created in the specified location. The file contains a Core folder with backed up contents for AODB1 and a Tax folder with backed up contents for AOTAX1.
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