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Second element cost for a pooled asset is added back to the pool when the asset is sold

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
Article ID: 35427

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Assets (AE Assets), when you have an asset with a second element of cost and this asset is allocated to a pool, when you sell this asset in any year after the year it was added to the pool, the second element of cost is incorrectly added back into the pool.

MYOB has identified this as an issue. Please refer to the recommended process below.

To show the correct values
  1. Export the General Small Business Pool Schedule to Word and amend the values in Word

  2. After you balance the ledger forward into the new year, adjust the Opening pool Balance to ensure the correct balance continues for the subsequent years.

To edit the pool details
  1. Right click on the relevant pool group and select Properties. The SB Pools window appears showing the current value for the pools.

  2. Enter the correct values into the Opening Balance fields and click OK. The Opening Balance values are changed.

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