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Securing Mark ups in PDF Manager so they cannot be removed

This support note applies to:

  • PDF Manager (AU)
  • PDF Manager (NZ)
Article ID: 34594

If you're using markups, comments or fields in a PDF document, you may not want these these markups to be edited or removed where they have been purposefully placed to hide client confidential information.

For example, you may use a blank text box to hide a Tax File Number (TFN), address, date of birth or any other personal or private information.

When this PDF document is later printed from Adobe Reader or another PDF software, the markup can be removed and be printed without the markup.

To ensure the markup isn't removed, add the markup in PDF Manager then preview the document in Adobe Reader.

This effectively joins the document and the mark ups together so they can't be separated.

To secure the markup
  1. Add the markup in PDF Manager then preview the document in Adobe Reader.
  2. Print the document from Adobe Reader back into PDF Manager. This will embed the markup into the document.
  3. Save the new version of the document. If you wish, you can now delete the original document.


PR# 11870841274

TT# 58886

Even if the PDF is saved with security applied, the markups can be removed as part of the printing process. For example, via File > Print  and selecting Document Only instead of the default option - Document and Markups.

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