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Selling an asset in AE Assets

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
Article ID: 29186

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Assets, you can store details of assets such as original cost, date of purchase and rate of decline in value.

When you want to dispose of an asset, AE Assets will calculate the decline in value up to and including the date of sale, profit and loss of the sale, and any capital gains, if applicable.

To sell an asset
  1. Open the Assets ledger and select the required asset control group in the left-hand pane.

  2. Choose the assets that you want to sell:

    • To sell a single asset, click the asset.

    • To sell consecutive assets, hold the Shift key on your keyboard and click the first and last asset that you want to sell.

    • To sell non consecutive assets, hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click the assets.

  3. Right-click on any of the asset(s) selected and choose Functions > Sell. The Sell window appears with cursor appearing in the Starting Journal No. field.

  4. Enter the starting journal no. if applicable, into Starting Journal No. field.

    If the AE Assets ledger is integrated with AE MAS, the starting journal number is applied when the transactions are posted to AE MAS. If the AE Assets ledger is not integrated with an AE MAS ledger, Starting jnl. no. is not applicable.
  5. Enter the date the asset was sold in the Disposal Date field.

  6. Enter the amount of consideration received for the sale of the asset into the Termination Value field.

  7. Click OK. The icon next to the sold asset(s) is greyed out to indicate that that the item has been sold.

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